How Much Does a Roo Relief Vet Tech Make?

Ross Zimmerman
July 1, 2024

Last year, we wrote an article that compared the average hourly wage of vet techs across the country to the living wage in the cities where they live. What we learned was that the experience of vet techs is different everywhere. Unfortunately, there are many cities where tech wages are dangerously close to the living wage (according to MIT's living wage calculator) and in some places, even surpassed by it. Unsurprisingly, these living wages have increased since our last check-in, which is not great.

All this data left one big open question:

How much does a vet tech make working relief shifts with Roo?

  • Roo Relief Vet Techs earn an average pay of $28.07 an hour. 
  • The average full-time vet tech makes $21.70 an hour according to ZipRecruiter’s latest data as of the writing of this article (June 2024).
  • The median hourly wage for vet techs is $21.03 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (May 2023). 

That’s just averages, it doesn't capture the real experience of real people. This bar graph shows how Roo hourly wages compare to full-time veterinary technician wages and living wages in a number of cities around the US where Roo offers relief shifts

Roo Vet Tech Hourly Wage vs. Living Wage by City

We’re thrilled to report that Roo hourly wages meet or exceed the cost of living in nearly every city where Roo provides relief shifts! This is not always the case with full-time vet tech salaries, and we’re happy to be making a difference.

Vet Tech Hourly Wage by City vs Roo Vet Tech Hourly Wage vs. Living Wage bar graph

Want to see precise numbers? Just pop open your Roo app! We’re all about transparency so the pay for every relief shift near you is right there for you to see so you know what to expect!

You can’t “average” skill set and experience

At first glance, the obvious takeaway is that Roo Veterinary Technicians get paid more per hour than the average vet tech. While true, that’s not the whole story; there’s actually a lot in that number for us to unpack.  

First and foremost, veterinary technicians have a wide variety of skills and experience, which can greatly affect pay. Whether someone is a GP or emergency vet tech can have a big impact on how much they make, too. Then you get into title protections, which are pretty all over the place. Whether someone is a certified, registered, or licensed veterinary technician may have an impact on their salary. 

Similarly, Roo Vet Techs are divided into Tech Tiers, which gives our hospital partners an idea of what skills, expertise, and medical training our vet techs have and what procedures and responsibilities they’ll be most comfortable with performing. Of course, Roo Techs in higher Tiers are paid higher rates. 

The $28.07 average hourly wage is averaged across ALL Roo Tech Tiers. This includes Tier 1 Techs, which are veterinary assistants or brand new to vet med, pulling this average down.

Good news: this also means veterinary technicians can increase how much they earn with Roo by increasing their Roo Tech Tier. Tier 3 Techs are the most in demand with more shifts available, so increasing your Tech Tier not only means higher pay, it also means more opportunities to earn since you can work any shift at your tier level or below. 

For more info on our Tech Tiers and how to increase your tier, check out this article

Everyone’s favorite disclaimer: Taxes!

The next big thing to know about relief work is that the above average salaries do not account for taxes, which unfortunately takes an extra bite out of your income. The biggest difference between relief and full-time work is when that bite happens.

As a veterinary technician working full-time at a clinic, estimated taxes are taken out of every paycheck automatically. What you see is pretty much what you get, but what you get is less. This in tandem with the average vet tech salary being near the cost of living means many vet techs can end up living paycheck to paycheck.  

Roo Relief Veterinary Technicians are W-2 independent contractors, which has pros and cons. This means taxes are not taken out of your Roo paychecks — you’ll actually see every cent of your relief wages upfront, which may feel massive compared to your usual tax-reduced full-time pay. This is great if you need money quickly in a pinch (see encroaching cost of living rates), but keep in mind, you will be responsible for paying taxes on that income eventually during tax season. 

We recommend our relief techs set aside a portion of their Roo income for taxes. How much exactly depends on your tax rate. Here’s a comprehensive guide for how to file taxes as a relief technician. We also have a ton of resources available in our Tax Center. One caveat here: some of the numbers you’ll see in that article are based on typical tax rates for an average veterinarian, so you may be responsible for a lower tax rate pending your specific income. It’s always good to chat with a tax accountant if you’re uncertain. 

The other great thing about being a W-2 contractor is you become eligible for a ton of tax write-offs, which can help you save money by lowering your taxes. There’s a lot of info and advice on how exactly to accomplish this above.  

Vacation and save as Travel Vet Tech!

Our dedicated readers will know one of the best ways to save on your taxes is to hit the road as a traveling veterinary technician! Roo makes this surprisingly easy for techs, and you can write off travel expenses, lodging, and even meals to effectively discount your vacation as long as you’re working a Roo shift during your time on the road. 

Thanks to recent updates, Roo Vet Techs are now free to pick up relief shifts anywhere Roo’s available (except California where you have to be an RVT to pick up Roo shifts). To see what’s out there, simply open your app and scroll around the map! You’ll be able to see everything that’s available at your Tech Tier or below.

Looking to really accelerate your earnings? The bar graph above shows where you’ll find the top Roo Vet Tech hourly rates in the country and can earn the most per shift!  

Seattle, Washington is the big winner with an average hourly rate of $40 per hour! Plus, it’s an incredible place to visit and easily one of the top cities in America — don’t miss Pike Place Market! Keep in mind, the Roo Tech Tier breakdown for shifts may be different for each city, so we highly recommend confirming your shifts before planning any travel. 

Following our top rates in the Pacific Northwest, Roo Relief Vet Techs earn an average of $38 an hour in San Francisco and New York City, and $36 an hour in Los Angeles and Minneapolis. Remember, you’ll need to be a registered veterinary technician in California to pick up shifts in San Francisco or Los Angeles.  

Finally, our friends in Boston deserve a wicked-special shoutout: In our previous article, we noticed that Boston vet techs have some of the highest hourly wages in the country, butthe cost of living is especially high there as well, which still left them in a tight spot. Thankfully, Roo has come to the rescue with$33 average hourly rates for Roo Relief Techs in Boston, outpacing the high cost of living there. We’re still pretty new to the Boston area, so bear with us while we continue to grow and add more shifts for you. 

Earn more with Roo and live the life you deserve!

Plain and simple, Roo is an easy way to boost your annual salary as a veterinary technician that fits into your schedule when you want. Roo Relief Vet Techs earn more per hour than the average full-time veterinary technician, and Roo wages outpace the cost of living in nearly every city where Roo is available! Plus, you're in full control of your schedule with Roo, so how you balance this extra income with your free time is up to you.

Vet techs can use Roo to supplement their full-time income by picking up a shift here and there when it fits their schedule while still getting health insurance and other benefits from their full-time job. Or, you could become a full-time relief vet tech to increase your average salary and cash in on these high hourly wages all the time!

How you use Roo is entirely up to you! We’re here to be a tool in your arsenal and support your career. Roo is free to join and costs you nothing, so you’ll only ever earn money with Roo! Interested in getting in on the Roo-volution?


Any tax advice provided here is for informational purposes only. You should always check with your tax professional for up-to-date information that applies specifically to you.

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