Roo Uni Externships for Hospitals

Work With The Next Generation Of Vets

Become part of the largest veterinary externship network in the country with hundreds of students looking to help out at great hospitals like yours!

Roo Uni Externship - hands-on experience
Build Relationships

Give your hospital the edge when tomorrow’s vets search for their first jobs

Vet Student Externships
Boost Your Recruiting

Students talk, improving your recruiting efforts with their whole school if they have a good experience.

Join for free with no monthly fees
Free to Join & Post

What you pay is between you and the student. Roo never takes a cut.

How Roo Uni works for Hospitals

Roo Uni Veterinary Externships hospital view
Create your free profile
Post externships
Review profiles, meet students & align on goals
Work with your student
Roo Uni Veterinarian mentorship through student externships

Solve tomorrow’s recruiting problems today

Beat the vet shortage by being proactive! More veterinarians are graduating than ever before. This is your chance make powerful connections before they begin their job hunt, putting your hospital in the lead.

Students talk and will share positive experiences with their class, boosting your recruiting efforts with their entire school!

Practice manager greeting client

Free Roo Service

Roo Externships are a free Roo service. What you pay is entirely between you and the student, and Roo doesn’t take a cut.

Before your externship, you’ll agree on goals, timing, and other terms with your student extern to create the ideal opportunity for both the student and your hospital. Students want hands-on experience, which means extra support at your hospital.

“No matter where life leads our externs, we are proud to be part of their journey. It is important that we all contribute to building each other up and developing others.”

Roo Veterinary Inc. purple kangaroo logo
Amanda Agosto
O’Brien Veterinary Group

Spread passion & positivity

Vet students come excited and eager to learn with an infectious love of vet med that brings new energy to the teams they work with. Doctors love working with students and being mentors. Reward your team with the chance to be something more.

Get a hop start on tomorrow's recruiting today!

Join the largest veterinary externship network in the country and connect with the next generation of vets!