Lack of Trust Among Certain Communities Leads to Barriers to Veterinary Care

Roo Team January 29, 2021 Roo News Share

Photo by Chris Benson on Upsplash

Survey: Barriers, Not Demographics, Affect Willingness to Pursue Veterinary Care

Throughout this COVID-19 pandemic, special attention has been paid to the rightful fear and mistrust of the medical profession by certain underserved communities. As it turns out, this general discomfort with doctors extends across to veterinarians as well. In a survey performed by a PhD student at NC State University, people who are Black or Native American indicated a stronger aversion to seeking medical care for their pets, not because they didn’t care about them but because they did not trust veterinarians. Says Rachel Park, the researcher, “Everyone wants to do what’s best for their dog, so the veterinary community has the opportunity to help ensure equal access to care and try and ease those barriers.” You can read the full article here.


“Trust is built when someone is vulnerable and not taken advantage of.”

-Bob Vanourek

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