Quickly calculate your annual Roo income or how many relief shifts you’ll need to achieve your income goals.
Estimates based on Roo average hourly rates and shift lengths in your area. Pay can often be increased with boosted shifts, promotions, Emergency/Surgery shifts, and more! Both shift times and pay can be negotiated via Roo!
Taxes, health benefits, and professional liability coverage not included.
Estimates based on Roo average hourly rates and shift lengths in your area. Pay can often be increased with boosted shifts, promotions, Emergency/Surgery shifts, and more! Both shift times and pay can be negotiated via Roo!
Taxes, health benefits, and professional liability coverage not included.
Quickly calculate your annual Roo income or how many relief shifts you’ll need to achieve your income goals.
Estimates based on Roo average hourly rates and shift lengths in your area. Pay can often be increased with boosted shifts, promotions, Emergency/Surgery shifts, and more! Both shift times and pay can be negotiated via Roo!
Taxes, health benefits, and professional liability coverage not included.
Estimates based on Roo average hourly rates and shift lengths in your area. Pay can often be increased with boosted shifts, promotions, Emergency/Surgery shifts, and more! Both shift times and pay can be negotiated via Roo!
Taxes, health benefits, and professional liability coverage not included.
Create your own schedule & choose the shifts you want
Get paid via direct deposit in as little as two business days
No! You have complete control over your schedule. Only work when you want, period. Take as much time off as you like, Roo will always be here for you.
No. As a relief veterinarian, taxes are not taken out of your income, so you’ll get paid every cent you see listed on the shift card. However, you will be responsible for paying taxes on this income at a later date, so we recommend setting some of your Roo earnings aside for tax payments.
Roo provides a number of resources and significant help with your taxes as an independent contractor, which you can find in our Tax Center. Roo's platform automatically keeps track of your earnings and milage to help you file taxes each year.
No! It’s completely free for vets. It costs nothing to join, and there are no membership fees or other costs. You’ll only make money with Roo.
No! Roo stands for the freedom of vets everywhere. Therefore, Roo does not require vets to sign a non-compete to work through our platform.
Getting paid with Roo is fast and easy — immediately after you rate a shift, you’ll be paid via direct deposit in as little as two business days!
When you first join Roo, you’ll be prompted through a one-time setup where you fill out a W-9 form and link your bank account. After that, all payments are sent to you automatically, no waiting around and no chasing it down!
Yes! Even if you're employed full-time, you can always pick up relief shifts to earn extra money. Relief work is also a great way to try new hospitals and specialties and learn from other doctors. Roo is free to join with no membership fees and no penalties for inactivity so you have nothing to lose!
Hospitals have no visibility into your profile, contact info, or search activity until you request a shift. Hospitals also have no way of seeing who is on the platform. Your activity is hidden from all Roo hospitals until you reach out to them.
While Roo does not require you have personal liability insurance, we highly recommend getting your own coverage as you won’t be covered under the hospital’s policy as an independent contractor. Roo has teamed with the AVMA to offer PLIT plans that are affordable and convenient. You can get covered for a whole year for less than half of what you’ll make working just one shift!
"Roo allows me the ability to prioritize my young son. I can build my schedule around his school schedule, holidays, and vacation for his birthday. I’ve never had so much freedom to be able to prioritize my family."
Roo was created to maximize your flexibility and autonomy. You’re in complete control of where, when, and how much you work so you can make time for what’s most important.
We believe transparency is the only way to give you TRUE freedom to decide what shifts are right for you. We’ll always let you know what you’ll be paid and other important details before you commit.
Do away with paperwork, find your ideal shift in seconds, and get paid automatically in as little as two business days saving you valuable time. Plus, we keep track of all your income to make independent contractor taxes a breeze!
Enjoy exciting free CE opportunities, attend local happy hours (drinks on us), and connect with other members of the Roo community!